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Thursday, February 28, 2013

When Spring Arrives

When spring arrives I
Am gonna put on my jazziest rings
My funkiest necklaces and
My wildest bracelets - all stacked up
In crazy colors

And I am gonna put on my hippest shoes
and walk among the forsythia and the tulips
Cruise through the daffodils

I'll drink my coffee on the porch
And sit on a red chair
Watching the birds build their nests.

I am so looking forward to spring.  I notice that my jewelry creations are opening up....turning expansive like beaches and sky fresh air.  I am so looking forward to sky blue, turquoise and spring green - you know that green that has that lovely hint of yellow in it?

What are you doing for Spring?

How are you changing your accessories?

How are you changing your wardrobe?

What colors are speaking to you?

Let me know.