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Monday, October 3, 2011

Shop Identities and Your Style

I was going over my Etsy shop: and was amazed at some of my products.  I really love some of my older products. They are so beautiful.  Like this necklace:Garnet and Gold Necklace

I made it in the spring. I had gone on a business trip to the coast and stopped by a little bead shop on the way (in the little tiny town of Grays Harbor) and found these gorgeous garnets.  I had arrived at my destination in the afternoon and after dinner had some time to kill, so I pulled out my travel pack of beads and tools and created this beauty.  I just love the asymmetical gold clasp that looks positively lacy.

Then I continued looking and my eye landed on one of my newest creations. A bracelet. It is tone....but beaded.  Still a singular strand of beads. No chains. But the colors vibrant and candy colored. The necklace is a gemstone and this is glass. Round and smooth characterize both.  I'll show you:

Are they really that dissimilar?  I don't think so.

I recently read a blog where the woman was suggesting that your shop has one style. Like if you made goth jewelry it should be a goth shop. But I don't know....I like wearing subdued, traditional jewelry with my blue jeans and my tee shirts and I love pairing crazy heart collage earrings with sheath dresses and sometimes a blazer and a skirt.  My ideal customer is a college student, living in a college town, like where I live here in Olympia Wa. Young people are still trying on identities and older folks, like me, who work with them - still are having fun.

How do you pair your jewelry with clothing?  Are you trendy? traditional? bohemian? hippie?  All the time? Some of the time?  Because you are young is it all trendy and inexpensive? Because you are old(er) is it signature gold and silver? 

Do you have one signature style in your shop or lots of things that speak to you - and hopefully your customers? 

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