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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Well It's Mother's Day

Well It's Mother's Day.  My cat, Bandit, aroused me from bed to get his breakfast...a fine bowl of kibble. I stumbled through the house, let out the dogs, made coffee and ate a bowl of cereal...before I realized that I should be having breakfast in bed.

But it is not to son is in Hawai'i and my daughter came down on Wednesday and spent till Friday with us.  I had a whole basket of goodies.  Her presence was present enough so I am sustained until my birthday in a few months!

Happy Mother's Day to Mom's out there.  Enjoy the beauty of your children!

1 comment:

  1. I roused myself and sat on the edge of the bed and stared into space. This is a daily ritual. Having no dogs to feed, I stumbled to the coffee pot. I hope you had a nice Mother's Day although Bandit was too lazy to cook you breakfast. I feel ya girl! Go to your lair and bead!
