
Banner from my Etsy shop

Monday, August 29, 2011

Scoping out Google Analytics

So I tied my Etsy shop to Google Analytics and then everyday I look at it and see if I can determine a new strategy for success.  Of course, I am far from an expert.....I mean really far....I have had this link for awhile and I am now realizing that whenever I post an item on Twitter or Facebook people go to that one further.....So now I am beginning to understand what the Etsy forum was talking about:

"Using Twitter to announce your new product is like shouting over a cubicle wall"!

That is all people hear and their ears are getting tired of the shouting. They may click the linkbut shoppers are not necessarily going to my shop.

Now, why did it take me so long to make this connection?  I think maybe I am a little slow.  So now, I need to think in a bigger way.  How do I get people to go to my site and poke around so that they are interested in my fun, funky, affordable BluJeanBeads jewelry?

For instance, I am using paper (tag board) to create some new pieces.  I want you to look at that.  But I don't want you to stop there....I have a cute pearl necklace with the most darling cast silver rabbit on it.  The rabbit is scratching his or her ear and is just darling. You are not going to see this if you just look at my POG earrings or my POG bracelet.  What is a POG earring?  Go look but don't stop there....look at other things....poke around.....try things on....put them in your cart....contemplate which gift will look great on Mom, Sister, the dog?!  No not the dog....

So how do we as crafters and artisans bring shoppers to our site?  That is the million dollar question and I hope you respond to this blog post and let me know what you are doing.  Let's strategize and blitz the world with beautiful jewelry so people can look good out real time....

Monday, August 15, 2011

Getting Ready for The Show

It seems whenever you get ready to do a show (August 20th Downtown Olympia WA) it generates another round of buying supplies, having to take inventory and to make something that may be especially appealing to this next market.  When you create for your design more for the unknown customer and you find something that sells so you make a little bit more of it.  When you are just creating, you find yourself making the type of thing that you love to wear.  When it comes time for a show - you have to stay true to your vision - but still make something that will satisfy the market place.

Then you have to think about set up. What were the gaps in your tablescape at your last show? What worked well?  What might create more of a draw?  In a world crowded by beautiful jewelry, how do you draw the customers to the best jewelry in the whole show - yours?

The next step is to pull your inventory together for the show. Should you take what you posted in your Etsy shop or not? What if by chance someone bought online what you had just sold in person?  Would this mess you up?  Should you risk the fact that your inventory which hasn't sold for months from your online shop may infact finally sell? Should you make and/or pull together inventory you had scheduled to put online?  So many questions to answer.  So much to do....

Please visit if you are in Olympia on the 20th....bring your wallet and be ready to turn loose of your money!  Let me know, how I answered all my own questions.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Accessories, Accessories, Accessories

How many of us have the money to run out in September and buy new outfits for the year? 

Well, that is no longer cost effective or feasible for most of us who are struggling on limited incomes.  We have to strategize on other ways to look our best.  Don't get me wrong, I am not destitute, but when the interest rates on savings accounts is soooo darn low, I too, am economizing.  I find that if I go through my closet and take a couple of hours, I can put together "new" outfits.

But I can also go through all my accessories and pull them out.....try them on.....imagine wearing them in different ways....can that necklace become a bracelet?  Will this pair of earrings go with that necklace? Bracelet? Outfit?  Try it on in front of the may be genuinely surprised.  Jot it down on a piece of paper so you will remember your smart combination or take a digital picture. 

But what if you do need something new...because everything is looking a little tired?  Start with accessories....sometimes you can get away from a huge clothing expense if you just embellish and enhance what you have with a little sparkle, some glitter and some glow.  I love retro pins.  I find a new pin can be just the thing to jazz up an old jacket's lapel or I can wear it at my waist or hem of my dress to draw interest.  I have been known to put a brooch on a hat band or buy an adapter so I can wear it on a silver collar as a pendant. 

Sometimes all I need is a new scarf to go on top of the winter coat (I knit) or a funky necklace draws the eyes in new ways and makes me wear something deeper down in my drawer that has the perfect neckline.  What about hair embellishments?  On Etsy, a number of my fellow artisans make pretty little hair ties, headbands and fascinators.  They are cute, affordable and very, very clever.

So look at accessories before a big purchase you can't afford.  Go through your jewelry box....go through your scarves.....(look in your sister's jewelry box when she isn't looking)!  Try to put together a new and inspiring accessory wardrobe from pieces you already own.  Then if you find you need a new piece, get to your computer and instead of buying the latest "trend" item get something interesting, fun, different, signature from an artisan. Etsy shopowners are waiting to fill your orders.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Make It Olympia

The proprieter of BluJeanBeads will be helping the proprieter of Ashar gems ( in a booth at Make It Olympia next Saturday, from 10-4 pm.  Hope you can stop by.  Ashar has some of the nicest pieces, they are elegant, made from silver, handcrafted clasps....if you want a piece for your favorite evening ensemble....get it at Ashar.

I hope the sale goes well.  Last year, we did a booth at the Festival of the Rivers and though we enjoyed the was hot.....almost 100 degrees....dusty.....and no buyers.  Came back with a deficit instead of any profit.

That day...there were vendors from as far away as Sante Fe and they fared no better.  I know that is the nature of retail but'd think someone would have wanted some pieces to make themselves look good.

Anyways we are excited and hope you will join least to say hello and to look at the merch.